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Can Essential Oils Help With An Ear Ache?

Tired of the high cost of pharmaceuticals, the high cost of doctor bills and waiting over an hour for a five-minute doctor consultation? So are we! Humanity has used natural healing for centuries before modern medicine. It’s great to have emergency rooms for emergencies, but they’re a lot of ailments that can be treated with natural remedies like Essential oils. Started swimming laps to change up my work-out routine. Started having issues with swimmers ear and decided to see if Essential oils could help. Very encouraged with the results!

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Hemp Derived CBD OIL TOP 4 MYTHS

There’s no denying the hype around hemp derived CBD Oil. Maybe you heard about it from a friend in the office or on your weekly trip to see the chiropractor. If you’re considering trying hemp derived CBD Oil for the first time, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Consequently, what may start out as a false fact can easily snowball into urban legend. Although life is much more fun with stories and urban legends, when taking a powerful whole-plant cannabinoid dietary supplement like CBD Oil, the truth is the only version you should know.

Hemp and Marijuana are the same plants? MYTH

This is probably the largest of myths. First, wrap your brain around this – they both come from the same plant species Cannabis sativa, hence, the confusion. Over the centuries, growers recognized the many beneficial characteristics of cannabis and bred the plant to separate out those traits. Hemp became an industrial crop while marijuana was propagated for its psychoactive properties.

CBD Oil Gets You High? MYTH

Think about someone related to you that couldn’t be more different from you. This is the case with hemp and marijuana. Even though they share genes and certain chemical compound properties, the big distinction is that hemp is superior in the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD).  Marijuana is greater in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cannabidiol (CBD) in hemp is most recognized for its health and wellness properties; it’s the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana that gets you high.

CBD Oil Is Only Used For Epilepsy? MYTH

Little Charlotte Figi’s story, with Charlotte’s Web, has been told over again because of the massive impact it made. There’s a much bigger health and wellness story you might not be aware of yet. Premium CBD Oil has shown to provide incredible support to the Endocannabinoid system, which is vital for the overall balance of the immune system, sleep, digestive tract, cognitive function, and the nervous system.

Hemp Was Used To Clean The Soil in Chernobyl? TRUE! TRUE! TRUE!

This sounds like a crazy urban legend, but it couldn’t be truer. Hemp plants combined with new phytoremediation technology were used to clean contaminated soil in the area of the world’s worst nuclear disaster.  The results have been so remarkable that Japanese scientists have considered using the method for Fukushima. Unfortunately, the difficulty in obtaining licenses has proven difficult in using this miraculous plant.

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Why Have CBD Oil Products Been Villianized part 2?

Despite numerous testimonials and studies that proved the health benefits of CBD, the purchase and especially selling of CBD products can be quite difficult still today. Especially online. The 2014 Farm bill allowed for the possibility of pilot programs of industrial Hemp farming in all 50 states. One main stipulation was that the industrial Hemp being farmed, could not contain greater than 0.3% Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive cannabinoid found in Marijuana, which gives you that high feeling. The final decision resided with each state, whether they would allow hemp farming or not. This video discusses how decisions made almost 50 years ago, still impact us today and have shaped societies view on Hemp, especially in the United States.