This is our story…we are a family owned business, who have personally benefited greatly from using all-natural plant-based CBD (Cannabidiol) and Essential Oil products.
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Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
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We have a faith-based passion for helping others and desire to share quality all-natural plant-based health products as a healthy, homeopathic alternative to pharmaceuticals. We have over a twenty-five-year history of helping others in health, wellness, and benevolence, to include: volunteering at homeless shelters like the Salvation Army, feeding homeless communities, Habitat for Humanity, Appalachian Mountain Service Project, Haiti hurricane relief, canvassing impoverished communities for health & wellness education and various HOPE service projects.
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After trying many different traditional pharmaceuticals, our son Christian decided to try CBD Oil for ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Christian’s continued use of CBD Oil resulted in an anxiety-free, positive mood change and weight loss of 100+ pounds.
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Being a young mother of two wonderful boys, she had been struggling with headaches for quite some time. She was tired of using traditional pharmaceuticals which came with multiple side effects. She was looking for a natural plant-based healthy solution to treat her headaches. She learned about industrial hemp derived CBD Oil from her husband and decided to give it a try. As a result, her headaches have almost completely disappeared!
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After a long history of breathing issues and a life-threatening seven-day hospital episode for asthma/allergy related symptoms, Anna was desperately looking for all-natural plant-based healthy alternative treatments that didn’t have the negative side effects that she experienced with traditional pharmaceuticals. Anna found Essential Oils and has been able to successfully treat asthma/allergy related symptoms pharmaceutical free, without another hospital stay for the last 5 years.
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After a twenty-one-year career in IT and Product Management for fortune 500/1000 companies, Alan decided to pursue a business that would allow him to fulfill a faith-based passion for truly making a positive difference in people’s lives. Although being very skeptical by nature, after witnessing first hand his wife and son’s experience with all-natural plant-based CBD and Essential Oils, he decided to work with the family to create GENESIS LIFE…a family owned business, that promises to ONLY sell products they themselves have vetted, used and tested. A business whose mission is to improve people’s lives through all-natural plant-based health and wellness products!